Our Productions Theatre Co.
Flower Mound-Lewisville-Dallas
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2022 Play Readers Club Festival
5th Annual Play Readers Club Festival Schedule of Events
Featuring selected writers for Play Readers Club & Play Readers Club Jr.
Sunday, March 27, 2022
12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Admission is FREE - Open to the community!
Lewisville Grand - Open air classrooms on the north side of the complex.
100 North Charles Street in Lewisville
Sponsored in part by a grant from The City of Lewisville & The Town of Flower Mound
Covid safety protocols TBA based on current conditions & community recommendations at time of event.
2022 Play Readers Club Selections & Schedule
“Ruby Tuesday” by Mike Byham - 1:00 p.m. Sunday, March 27, 2022
“Ruby Tuesday” is inspired by the feeling engendered by the classic Rolling Stone's hit where someone significant passes through your life leaving the bittersweet mixture of grief and gratitude. Ruby is a young lady in therapy after being found on a window ledge at work. She visits with a doctor dealing with his own issues relating to his inability to feel. We eventually discover Ruby’s secret through the therapy sessions. We also see Doctor Jamie find in Ruby a cure for his ailments – a key to unlocking his emotional potential. It's a blend of romance and comic-book whimsy resulting in a modern fable.
“A Man in a Trench Coat” by Robert Putman - 3:00 p.m. Sunday, March 27, 2022
“A Man in a Trench Coat " is a play dealing with the examination of a man who suddenly finds himself isolated from reality. This one act which has both comedic and dramatic elements has many twists and turns, culminating with a surprise ending.
2022 Play Readers Club Jr. Selections & Schedule
“Rogue” a screenplay by Sophie Rose Kirkham - 12:00 p.m. Sunday, March 27, 2022
“Rouge” is a screenplay about two girls who are going through becoming teenagers and dealing with the troubles in their life. Lola and Sam, aren’t really normal. They try their best to be themselves, but one particular bully gets in-between the two girl’s relationship. This story shows you how to see life through someone else’s eyes. Whether you’re a boy, girl, gender fluid, you can connect to these characters.
“Dear God, Let Me Love Her” by Tara Mozena - 2:00 p.m. Sunday, March 27, 2022
“Dear God, Let Me Love Her” centers around Lola, who comes from a religious family and is conflicted about this new relationship and how it will affect her relationship with God and her family. It is a story about coming to terms with who you love and how your relationships change because of it.
“Define Friend” by Jack Castello - 4:00 p.m. Sunday, March 27, 2022
“Define Friend” is a semi-autobiographical one-act structured as a dramatized academic essay, looking back at Jack’s turbulent middle school years as he struggles to define "friend". Told through a series of intermixed monologues and vignettes, he navigates and attempts to understand the ups and downs of complicated relationships with Aiden and Audrey. As they struggle through arguments, jealousy, peer pressure, and social immaturity, Jack unpacks the complex nature of nuanced friendships as his own relationships deteriorate and bloom.
About the Playwrights...
Mike Byham, "Ruby Tuesday", recently started his second iteration as a playwright following a 20+ year career as a "soccer dad." He has had several productions on the community theatre and scholastic level. Mike's plays have also won multiple awards including "Vistas" being named as Winner of Best New Play in the Little Theatre of Alexandria New Play Festival and Best New Play in the Northern Virginia Theatre Alliance One-Act Festival. More recently, "Revelations: Book of Lucy" placed as the Silver Stage Winner in the 2020 Old Opera House New Voices Contest and "Sassy Old Broads" was named a finalist in the 2020 Long Beach Playhouse New Works Festival. "Lenny and Jenny" was recently read online as part of the IMPRINT Theatreworks First Impressions Festival. Mike works as an engineer for a major airline headquartered in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Mike is a member of the Dramatists Guild and the American Association of Community Theatre. His plays with production histories may be viewed at https://newplayexchange.org/users/35080/mike-byham.
Robert Putman, "A Man in a Trench Coat", received a Master of Fine Arts Drama in 1978 from Trinity University. In conjunction with the degree he completed a professional apprenticeship program through the Dallas Theater Center 1975-77. Prior to his retirement in 1917, he worked in social work and education. Over the years he has written, directed and acted in various church related plays and sketches.
About the Jr. Playwrights...
Jack Castello, "Define Friend", is a 16-year-old composer, lyricist, and playwright residing in Dallas, Texas. His first original musical, Stumped, is in final workshop stages and preparing for production through Resolute Theatre Project. His one-act, semi-autobiographical play, Define "Friend", was read as part of IMPRINT Theatreworks' 2021 First Impressions Festival. Most recently, he founded his student-driven production company known as Tree Trunk Theater (treetrunktheater.com). Jack is specifically interested in writing and producing works that include challenging parts for young actors.
Sophie Rose Kirkham, "Rogue", is a 5th grader at Parish Episcopal School in Dallas, and a current eight year student of the Young Artist Training Program of Our Productions Theatre Co. In addition to writing, she is an accomplished young performer who has performed in many musicals and ballets including professional productions with Lyric Stage/Majestic Theater in Dallas, Texas Ballet Theater/Winspear Dallas. She is excited to try her hand as a writer. Though she is an avid creative writer and storyteller, Rogue is her first screenplay and she is excited to hear it read and hopes to one day see it onscreen. In her free time, Sophie Rose plays guitar and piano and is working on composing several songs. You can catch her onstage at Dallas Theater Center in The Sound of Music through April 24.
Tara Mozena, "Dear God, Please Let Me Love Her", is a junior at Flower Mound High School and has been performing for around eleven years. She is a sixth year student at Young Artist Training Program and has recently taken up playwriting after previously writing several one person shorts/monologues. In addition to writing, Tara is also a singer, actress and musical theater performer who will be appearing in The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical in April at Wayne Ferguson Plaza with Our Productions Theatre Co./Young Artist Training Program and was the understudy/swing for Changing Intersections, which was produced by Our Productions in 2019 after being featured in the Play Readers Club in 2018.